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Regulatory Compliance for Marketing

Ensure regulatory compliance everywhere your brand appears.

Make sure your brand stays compliant with regulations across any channel

Why PerformLine

RegTech with Experience

Regulatory compliance refers to the process of ensuring that a company follows all the rules, laws, and guidelines set forth by governing bodies that are relevant to its industry. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines, legal penalties, and reputational damage.

Since 2007, PerformLine has been empowering clients to establish top-notch regulatory compliance oversight for their marketing programs. Our technology leverages artificial intelligence, machine learning, and our extensive knowledge of regulated industries and governing bodies to help enterprises automate their compliance programs and mitigate risk across all their customer touch points. Trust PerformLine to help your organization stay compliant and maintain customer trust.

Regulators in a compliance radar of PerformLine

Built on a Foundation of Regulatory Standards

Our rulebooks are crafted from regulatory bulletins, acts, documents, settlements, and standards from governing agencies including:

  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • Department of Education
  • Federal Communications Commission
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
  • Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • Department of Labor
  • State Attorneys General
  • and more

Regulatory Compliance with:


Experts in Current Regulations and Acts

Our rulebooks cover a wide array of acts and regulations, ensuring that our clients remain compliant with the latest standards set by governing bodies, including:

  • Dodd-Frank Act (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act)
  • UDAAP (Unfair, Deceptive or Abusive Acts or Practices)
  • CARD Act (Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act)
  • TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act)
  • Higher Education Act
  • TILA (Truth in Lending Act)
  • RESPA (Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act)
  • Federal Trade Commission Act
  • Map Rule (The Mortgage Acts and Practices Advertising Rule) and Regulation N
  • ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act)
  • GLBA (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
  • CARES Act (The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)
  • The Patriot Act
  • FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act)
  • SAFE Act (Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act)

Why PerformLine

Grow faster while protecting your consumers and your brand.

omni-channel monitoring

Omni-Channel Coverage

PerformLine empowers compliance teams to take control of web, call, messaging, email, document, and social media risk with a unified solution. Our powerful compliance platform provides comprehensive coverage across all your marketing channels and a complete view of risk.


Rulebooks for Enterprise Compliance Programs

PerformLine’s proprietary rulebooks are the foundation of top-performing enterprise compliance programs. Built and refined with over a decade of experience in regulated industries and a proven track record of success across client compliance programs.


Personalized Compliance Review Services

PerformLine’s Pro Services offering provides a seamless solution for managing compliance. Our team of expert QA analysts will review every observation and deliver only curated and actionable alerts to your workflow based on the parameters you have set.

Pie chart insights

Compliance Insights with Business Intelligence

PerformLine’s Business Intelligence offering delivers data-driven solutions that enable organizations to maximize their compliance and performance efforts. Offering in-depth analysis, comparative rankings, and visualization capabilities to uncover trends, optimize outcomes, and deliver a complete view of your compliance program across all marketing channels.

Industry Experts

Our Client Base Extends Across Regulated Industries



Grow your banks programs safely. Vet partners before onboarding and have always-on monitoring to find and mitigate risks across all marketing channels.

A computer and a phone


Gain a competitive advantage with a marketing compliance program that vets potential merchants before onboarding and continually monitors for regulatory and brand compliance.

Computer with dollar sign


Proactive marketing compliance focused on consumer protection is critical for growth. Gain a competitive advantage with a marketing compliance program across your marketing channels.

Shopping cart

Buy Now, Pay Later

Gain a competitive advantage with a marketing compliance program that vets potential merchants before onboarding and continually monitors for regulatory and brand compliance.

A house


Discover and monitor your brand across marketing channels and across your loan officers’ vanity sites and social media posts to keep ahead of compliance issues.

A credit card

Credit Card

Build a marketing compliance program that ensures consumer protection through regulatory and brand monitoring across your marketing and partner channels for a competitive advantage.

Hand holding dollar sign

Gig Economy

An effective marketing compliance program focused on worker recruitment and users is critical for continued growth. Monitor for regulatory and brand monitoring across all marketing channels.



Ensure complete marketing compliance oversight for your organization through comprehensive regulatory and brand monitoring across your marketing, partner, and affiliate channels.

A graduation cap

Higher Education

Proactively discover and monitor your brand across your marketing and partner channels to ensure regulatory and brand compliance for your student loan and marketing programs.

Connect with PerformLine and see what we can do for you.